MANCC Artists

Choose from the artists below to preview their work at MANCC.

  • Penelope Freeh and Patrick Corbin share material developed for <i>Slippery Fish</i> in an Open Rehearsal
  • Corbin and Freeh perform a section of material developed in residency
  • Corbin and Freeh perform dyadic material from work-in-progress <i>Slippery Fish</i>
  • Corbin and Freeh
  • Freeh and Corbin show material developed to date
  • Freeh shares <i>Slippery Fish</i> materials
  • Corbin and Freeh engage in a dialogue session following the <i>Slippery Fish</i> Open Rehearsal


Featured Artist

Faye Driscoll

February 22 - 24
Carolina Performing
Arts, UNC Chapel Hill


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